Our concept design for the competition entry for the major refurbishment of this large site in Clerkenwell. This exercise gave us an opportunity to explore further the relationship between the building and the user and how working from the inside of the existing structure to the outside could reinvigorate the existing built form.

“It is first and foremost what happens inside the ‘body’ that ensures the health and well-being of the building and its occupants, combined with a new external skin to enhance that ‘core’ performance.”






London, Clerkenwell




Concept ground floor

Concept lower ground floor

The dialogue between the two new entrance apertures on each side of the building converges in the centre of the site at the ‘heart’ of the building and creates a dramatic shift from horizontal vistas to a vertical vista where the scale of the building is experienced for the first time.

This is intended as a parallel to the ‘hidden gem’ nature of Clerkenwell courtyards and alleyways where it is always the unexpected that pleases the most.

Interior placemaking by creating an imaginative environment, sensitive to human needs, ensures occupiers are happier, more productive, and proud of where they work.

By creating a dynamic route through the building and enabling visitors to enter from both streets the building becomes activated by this ‘arterial route’.

Offices on the upper levels had break-out spaces that overlooked this central area, whilst retail units fronted not just the streets to either side of the site but also the internal circulation route that ran straight through the heart of the space.

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