A mixed-use redevelopment proposal providing high-quality BCO compliant office space, new and policy-compliant residential accommodation, and a substantial uplift in retail/restaurant space.

60 Charlotte Street is set within the heart of Fitzrovia in the Charlotte Street Conservation Area. Uniquely, the building plot occupies the full width of the usually narrow urban block facing onto Charlotte Street, with Scala Street and Tottenham Street either side. Unlike the typical terraced urban fabric, the building fronts Charlotte Street as a single entity without terraced neighbours, giving it a level of distinction.


Aberdeen Asset Management


Offices, residential and retail


London W1


97,100 GIA sqft


Client Pitch

At the lower levels the new building is composed of beautifully detailed robust brick construction. Above this solid base is perched a visually lighter metal-framed upper block, two storeys in height at the front of the site and with a similarly expressed three storey component to the rear. The setback contributes to the streetscape, emphasising the lower parapet line, whilst the difference in storey heights between front and back allows the upper roof parapet line to be consistent, unifying the overall composition.

The selection of materials both contrasts and compliments each other, with subtly projecting metal cladding accents within the brick block fenestration creating a visual reference to the architectural language above.

Within the lower brick massing the structural bays are expressed with recessed metal-clad vertical strips breaking the elevations into vertical bays that respond to the proportions of the typical Georgian plots in Fitzrovia.

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